Inside voices please.

Poems about heartbreak

Feb 23: ND
Cleaning Out my room

I wake up every morning and my eyes are drawn to all the items that remind of the life we shared,
As I go to sleep I glance over to the pictures which memorialise the world we built,
The sheets on my bed hold all the memories of you and me,
Each trinket I collect feels like a brick in the wall that held us up,
As I take each one down and analyse it,
I am reminded of all the moments it holds,
As all the memories jolt back into my mind,
I have to resist the urge throw it to the ground,
I have to resist the urge to hold it even tighter,
I have to resist the urge to place it pride of place on my mantle piece,
Instead, the only option I am left with is to place it in a drawer,
I can’t bring my self to let those things go yet,
But I can’t continue to be reminded of all the things we had and all the things we’ve lost,
So I place each thing in the same drawer,
Two or three things a day,
A drawer I cannot open for fear of what will jump out at me,
For all the ghosts the are being kept in there,
But as the days pass and my room begins to empty,
I begin to realise that almost every item I own is imbued with memory of you,
I want to throw away those pants you liked,
That shirt you gave me,
The fabric we bought,
The furniture we decided on,
So I try and fit everything into that drawer,
But it won’t fit anymore,
The drawer is overflowing as I am,
As I amble around my room like a heartbroken Marie Kondo acolyte,
I realise nothing is bringing me joy,
But I’ve done this before,
I know I must wait,
Allow the pain, the hurt, the distress to subside,
And all those items and the memories they hold will become a wonderful history we shared,
I just can’t see it now.